Reflection Time Again 2019

Matas Petrikas
4 min readJan 15, 2020


Hey, why, what is this? In short, it’s my annual ritual to process and celebrate the events of the past year. If you’re curious here are my previous reflections: 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013.

I’m writing this a some days after the New Years in Berlin. The fireworks have passed, the people are getting back to work and their new resolutions. I have a feeling that for me to start a new chapter I have to process the previous one first.

2019 was a year of transformations, a year of living in a moment, a year of letting go.

A year of short trips. I walked through an empty Budapest at dawn with Dalia and we have played with kids at an amazing science museum in Warsaw. I have explored the tiny streets of Venice and Treviso with Mila. She was as happy to see the Piazza San Marco as she was discovering some random Italian playground. I wonder how she’ll remember such travels in the future.

Going through the north of Lithuania, rediscovering the beauty of the national parks, ancient forests and plain summer fields. Returning back to the Baltic coast, running through the pine forests of Palanga in winter and in the end of the summer.

A short train trip to Denmark with Dalia and the girls where suddenly we have found ourselves inside of a huge whale-like ferry. Watching a cold sunset from the cliff at the Louisiana museum, screaming my lungs out on a ride at the Tivolipark, and the speechless perfection of the Grundvigs church in the early morning. Denmark has appeared from the fog, with its silent and well-behaved population, huge bike lanes and untold frustrations. And it has dissolved back into a cloud when we have left.

Odessa, such an unusual city, a city that used to re-appear in my dreams for the last 35 years or so. The city of cats and the city of unfinished stories. For several nights I was watching the ships entering the harbour, smoking a cigar like some old sailor ashore and thinking of the time passing by.

The year of new perspectives at work — I remember riding a pre-release electric car in the Norwegian mountains, while deploying code from the back seat. And observing how the news are being born, seeing how journalists work day-to-day, gaining respect for their craft and erudition. But I also enjoy the clarity of being a technical consultant again.

I was surprised to see that I like working out. It’s an interesting discovery after decades of thinking of myself as a sports-averse person. I guess we are often not who we thought we were all those years.

Summer in Berlin as a goal on itself, while developing the art of idling. I have paused my work for a couple month. Definitely something I’d like to repeat again. I takes a surprising amount of effort to stop and change the routines, even if for own relaxation.

There was a lot of music in 2019. I was finally learning digital Djing and it has helped me to start hearing music differently. More clubs and dancefloors, more Berghain. Seeing the dance performance/ritual by the UY team at the Berghain Halle.

I have started writing a book about electronic music. Based on a minute of inspiration, spilling out the thoughts that been accompanying me for years. The books was practically writing itself and it felt great. I still have no idea what will happen with it once it is done.

Books and movies and music, weren’t so important this year compared to for example music or dance. Probably the most important reading of 2019 for me was Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina. I remember this book from my childhood, that huge tome resting on our shelf at home in Klaipeda. Somehow I have never dared to approach it, but finally something moved me to pick up a digital copy. I’m happy that I can read it in Russian and I’m happy to read it now when I’m over 40.

2019 was rich in deep introspective experiences. Uncovering the depths I just previously heard about. Researching psychedelics, learning from Terence Mckenna and trying different new methods of meditation.

Learning to let go. We are wrapping up our toy company. There’s not much to say, but still a lot to process. BTW a note to my friends and people I’ve met along the way: reach out to me if you’d like to know more. I’d also gladly share my learnings with people planning to work in the connected hardware/play-interfaces space.

There’s a new cat at home. A little black creature hunting mice and looking at us with its wide-open eyes.

Organizing parties for friends feels very rewarding. I like inviting people, I like to dance with my friends. Just before the end of the year, we have sneaked in our last party of the year on the December 30th. One day before the last day of 2019. And now it’s another new year year again. Make it a beautiful one.



Matas Petrikas
Matas Petrikas

Written by Matas Petrikas

I literally live in a bar in Berlin. Author of #thejoyofelectronicmusic, @SoundCloud founding team member. @vai_kai toys, Techno w EXEM in 90s.

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